Would you like more information or would you like an offer? We look forward to your call, or you can fill out the inquiry form.
Kerstin Borchert
49 5571-9159-12
Mo - Fr 8:00 - 13:00 Uhr
Fasse Industrietextilien
Hans-Böckler-Str. 3
D-37170 Uslar
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* Consent to data processing - Yes, I have read the data protection declaration and agree that the data I have provided will be collected and stored electronically. My data will only be used strictly for the purpose of processing and answering my request. By submitting the contact form, I agree to the processing.
Fasse industrial textiles GmbH
Hans-Böckler-Str. 3
D-37170 Uslar
Phone: 49 5571-9159-0
Email: info@fasse.biz
Mo. - Thu: 6:30 - 15:00 hrsFriday: 6:30 - 12:00 hrs
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© 2022 Fasse Industrietextilien GmbH